Data Analytics Training
A Few Things You'll Love!
1. About Data Analytics
Unlock the power of data with our Data Analytics Fundamentals course! In today’s data-driven world, organisations rely on skilled data analysts to make informed decisions and gain a competitive edge. This course is designed to equip you with the essential knowledge and practical skills needed to excel in the field of data analytics.
2. Excel(Basic+Advanced)
- Introduction
- Basic Data Entry in Excel
- Basic calculation using (Sum, Subtract, Division, Multiplication, Percentage)
- Intermediate Excel formula use case (sum if, count if, Average if,Mod , Floor, Ceiling, Mod, power, max, min,len etc)
- Conditional Formating
- Different filter option
- Duplication identification and removal
- Xlookup
- IF, ELSE, Nested if with different logical operators
- Time intelligence formula and use case
- Data cleaning using (Right, Left, Mid,Trim)
- Power query for data modelling and data cleaning
- Pivot table and Pivot chat
- Use of Slicer with different Pivot chat
- Data extraction, Transformation and load
- Creating pivot using two or multiple sheets
- Data-modelling and data connection
- Basic statistics
- Project based on sales data , procurement data , financial data from scratch ( that include Data cleaning , Vlookup, Pivot table and Pivot chat).
3. Power Bi
- Overview of Power bi
- Use case of Power bi
- Data injection in power bi
- ETL Using Power query
- Table connection
- Creating Measure and Calculated Columns using DAX
- Use case of Various chat in power query
- Time intelligence use case and formula
4. SQL(Structure Query Language)
- Overview of SQL.
- Overview of Database
- Difference b/w OLAP and OLTP
- Basic SQL query
- Use of where clause, group by clause, logic operator , sort by ,in , between
- Various joint of SQL (Left, Right, Full, Union)
- Nested query
- Window function
- Creating function
- Temporary Table.
5. Python for Data Analytics
- Basic python
- Different type of datatype
- List and it’s operation (indexing, appending, slicing updating.)
- Tuple
- Dictionary
- Set
- For and while loops
- Lambda map, reducer,zip functions
- Pandas, Numpy , Matplotlib ,seabon package
- Importing data from excel, csv, mysql
- Performing various analytics task such as handling null value, Casting datatype, extracting data , custom column creating , exporting data into excel . creating various graph using matplotlib and seaborn
6. Other support
- Resume building
- Moc interview
- Linkedin account creating
- Github repository creation
- Migration of project into github