Unlock the power of data with our Data Analytics Fundamentals course! In today’s data-driven world, organisations rely on skilled data analysts to make informed decisions and gain a competitive edge. This course is designed to equip you with the essential knowledge and practical skills needed to excel in the field of data analytics.
2. Excel(Basic+Advanced)
Basic Data Entry in Excel
Basic calculation using (Sum, Subtract, Division, Multiplication, Percentage)
Intermediate Excel formula use case (sum if, count if, Average if,Mod , Floor, Ceiling, Mod, power, max, min,len etc)
Conditional Formating
Different filter option
Duplication identification and removal
IF, ELSE, Nested if with different logical operators
Time intelligence formula and use case
Data cleaning using (Right, Left, Mid,Trim)
Power query for data modelling and data cleaning
Pivot table and Pivot chat
Use of Slicer with different Pivot chat
Data extracon, Transformaon and load
Creating pivot using two or multiple sheets
Data-modelling and data connection
Basic statistics
Project based on sales data , procurement data , financial data from scratch ( that include Data cleaning , Vlookup, Pivot table and Pivot chat).
3. Power Bi
Overview of Power bi
Use case of Power bi
Data injection in power bi
ETL Using Power query
Table connection
Creating Measure and Calculated Columns using DAX
Use case of Various chat in power query
Time intelligence use case and formula
4. SQL(Structure Query Language)
Overview of SQL.
Overview of Database
Difference b/w OLAP and OLTP
Basic SQL query
Use of where clause, group by clause, logic operator , sort by ,in , between
Various joint of SQL (Le, Right, Full, Union)
Nested query
Window funcon
Creating function
Temporary Table.
5. Python for DataAnalyics
Basic python
Different type of datatype
List and it’s operaon (indexing, appending, slicing updang.)
For and while loops
Lambda map, reducer,zip functions
Pandas, Numpy , Matplotlib ,seabon package
Importing data from excel, csv, mysql
Performing various analytics task such as handling null value, Casting datatype, extracting data , custom column creating , exporting data into excel . creating various graph using matplotlib and seaborn